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We’re talking to Nick Burne, the founder and CEO of Givepanel, not to mention the former manager of The Dead Lovers and passionate burger fan. We kick things off by delving into our first posts on new media, getting into debt and being interviewed by your future wife.

Nick tells us about how he went looking for a drummer, had an epiphany at Wembley Stadium and realised the power of the internet. There’s his first desk job and being forced centre stage by the tsunami. We hear about how you can go from selling your sister’s toys on commission to raising a fortune through digital for charities and the importance of investment. Nick explains how aligning with Facebook is both a strength and a weakness. We buy a helicopter online, learn some harsh lessons on taking products to market, return the shopping trolley and try to give billionaires a good press.

Kenneth is branching out into fashion and we all celebrate a pretend birthday.

Give Panel

iTunes / Spotify / Spreaker

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